Hi dancers! Today I wanted to write about hard work! Working hard is important in all aspects of our life, from school to jobs to relationships. In dance class
Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from dancing! It can be good for our bodies and our minds to take a break. But eventually the dance withdrawal sets
If this heat wave hasn’t proven this to you already, summer is NOT over! Which means you still have time left to do some summer reading? Looking for some
Hi Everyone! How’s back to school going? I hope everyone is settling back into the routine and I’ve loved seeing you all back at the studio! It’s going to
As the school year flies into full swing, so do the back-to-school colds, ailments and injuries, so I thought I’d post on the benefits of watching your dance classes
Hi Everyone! Now that wedding/honeymoon madness is over, I’m starting to get back into my usual routine. I’ve found that something that really makes a difference is taking some
Hi Everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday filled with family, friends, and food! Every Thanksgiving, I think about how much I have to be grateful
Te obtinuit ut adepto satis somno. Aliisque institoribus iter deliciae vivet vita. Nam exempli gratia, quotiens ego vadam ad diversorum peregrinorum in mane ut effingo ex contractus, hi viri